Exploration Vessel E-5A is a 10 episode web series created by Cumagical Studios, showing the increasingly degenerate daily life onboard the titular space ship. Doctor Caroline Armstrong gives in to blackmail from a fellow crew member and has sex with him, which triggers a chain of events that leads her to become the crew’s sex slave.
The first web series by Cumagical, ‘Exporation Vessel E-5A’ has a total runtime of 2 hours and 15 minutes. They started working on it shortly after the release of ‘Laura, the Exchange Student’, with Fröy recording the whole thing over the course of a week. This resulted in 5 hours worth of footage. Llunkttut would then proceed with editing, cutting the story up into ten episodes roughly 13-15 minutes long.
The ten episodes would then be released regularly over the course of about two months.
- The story was partly inspired by Japanese hentai OVA ‘Prison Battleship’ (監獄戦艦), and the script was written by Fröy while he went through a Star Trek marathon, which undoubtedly had some influence creeping in as well.
- The goal with the atmosphere of the series was to create a type of “erotic Star Trek with the feel of an anime.’
- A couple soundtracks are from the sci-fi series ‘Babylon 5′.
- The footage of the ship floating through space was made in the game ‘The Movies’ by Lionhead Studios. So was much of the soundtrack.
- In the series backstory, a third world war has been fought which caused all of planet Earth to become united as one nation.
- There is a deleted scene in which Semper opens up to Mike about his childhood, where he was abused.
- The rule that forces the explorers to wander the planets one person at a time, and the crew in every ship to remain as small as possible, is called RRSE, which stands for “Rule of Responsible Space Exploration.”
- The series marked a slight change in Llunkttut’s editing technique, noticed mainly by the improved subtitles.
- A bug in the game would cause the floors to occasionally flicker, which can be noticed during Caroline’s and Semper’s sex scene in episode 2.
- Starting in episode 2, a page filled with information about a certain crew member can be seen at some point. Everything from their place of birth to their weight is there.
- Every crew member has their own unique color in the subtitles. Keira Wong’s color eventually changes from gray to orange to further distinguish her from Caroline.
- Each crew member had skills in the game that made sense in the story. For example, Mike had a Logic skill of level 10 and Igor the cook had Cooking at level 10.
- The tattoos on Semper’s penis were not intentional, and were most likely caused by a bug.
- Fröy describes Krüger as the worst person on the ship.
- Semper is Llunkttut’s favorite character, despite him being (in Llunkttut’s words) “a real asshole.”
- Until episode 9, Igor Ozdoyev doesn’t say a single word.
- Ïli’s line “There is something seriously wrong with human beings” is an in-joke between Fröy and Llunkttut, originating from when the former sent the latter a very strange Japanese porn clip and asking him to give his honest opinion about it.
- There is a post-credits scene in the final episode.
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