The Lady at 5 Orion Street is an erotic comedy by Cumagical Studios, following the events on an idyllic street in a 1950s small town where an attractive young woman has recently moved in. The local housewives grow jealous and convince themselves that there's something suspicious about the new arrival - not realizing how right they are.
In preparation for making the video, Fröy and Llunkttut binge watched movies from the 1940s and 50s, mainly comedies and noir films, in order to get the atmosphere right.
It took less than three weeks from writing the script to exporting the finished video file, making this project one of the quickest to date, especially considering its length.
Early on, Fröy played with the idea of making it a horror movie, with Lorraine using sex to take over the minds of the male residents, and the housewives teaming up to fight her. However, since there had been so many dark and gloomy horror videos in a short period of time, this idea was scrapped. It was also believed that comedy would better fit the time period and quirky atmosphere.
- Lorraine's actual name, which is never revealed in the movie, is Xzizxexzi.
- Frank is a WW2 veteran, making several references to his service. At one point he mentions Okinawa, hinting that he was part of the Pacific War.
- The movie was initially planned to be entirely in black and white, further emphasizing the time period. This idea was scrapped. However, a remnant of this can be seen during the title screen, which starts off black and white but then has the color fade back in.
- The concept of the movie is one of very few that had its origin in the game itself, where the player can create aliens with "disguises" that makes them appear like regular Sims.
- Lorraine's character hints at her origin, both in the surname "Venus" (being her home planet) and decorating the wall in her living room with a painting of outer space, which doesn't match the stereotypical 1950s decor.
- In a deleted scene, Lorraine is sunbathing in a bikini on her front porch, causing all the men who are walking by to fall over upon seeing her. Eventually, Ruth shows up and scolds Lorraine for being "indecent". The scene was cut to shorten runtime.
- In the first scene inside Lorraine's house, her ceiling has a wooden color. Later, it's a blank white. This was due to a recurring bug related to the recent feature of choosing ceiling colors in The Sims 4.
- On Lorraine's TV, right before her sex scene with Joe, a weather forecast from 1959 is shown.
- Having studied human society from afar, Lorraine designed her human form specifically to make the people in the neighborhood like and accept her. This is why she appears as an extremely busty blonde, having observed how such women often recieve very positive reactions, and not understanding the sexual aspect of these interactions.
- Elton Britt's "Trip to the Moon", one of the songs playing during the sex montage, is another reference to Lorraine's extraterrestrial nature.
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